
Top Gear 3000 Super Nintendo

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Score: N/A
Languages:English, Japanese
Players:1 - 4 (4 simultaneous)

Set in the year 3000, this futuristic racer adds weapons and tracks from different planets to the Top Gear formula.

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Top Gear 3000 (JP: The Planet's Champ TG3000) is a racing game for the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It was developed in the UK by Gremlin Interactive and published by Gremlin in their home territory, and by Kemco everywhere else. The game was released early 1995.

It balances the racing of Top Gear with some more futuristic settings and concepts. It also added weapons to the Top Gear series for the first time, which can be acquired by purchasing them along with sci-fi upgrades like a nuclear fusion engines or warp devices.