
Valis: The Fantastic Soldier Nintendo

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Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2017-08-29 17:18:44:

If I'm to guess a bit, since I don't know Japanese, "Mugen Senshi Valis" is the name on the cover, and "Fantastic Soldier Valis" looks like the NES title screen name.

No-Intro probably changed policy from naming files after title screen to cover at some point, since it was called Fantastic Soldier Valis in No-Intro earlier.

Being a Japanese game, I don't really have that strong opinion of whether to use the cover or title screen name, so I just went with the No-Intro name...

Posted by thevoice at 2017-08-29 14:38:57 (Updated 2017-08-29 17:18:50):

According to mobygames no-intro used the msx spelling. the nes version is named : Fantastic Soldier Valis