
Hammerfist Amiga

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Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2016-03-31 18:17:07:

@maxfactor Yes, that's basically what I meant smiley

Posted by maxfactor at 2016-03-23 15:27:04 (Updated 2016-03-25 07:41:31):

@FrodeSolheim From what I have seen, a lot (?) of unpublished games have their file/floppy_list field filled. So why don't enable a feature to see also unpublished items into FS-UAE Launcher? It would be better if that "view" could be a standalone choice, without mixing it with available/downloadable games. So one could browse the entire list of unpublished games (the FS-UAE game scanner should search for them too) and could easily work on its "publishment", trying to launch the game and making screenshots. And if you could upload missing screenshots from FS-UAE it would be even faster and simpler (for a newbie like me...). big grin :-D

Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2016-03-23 14:22:02:

@maxfactor @thevoice Right now, it's a bit catch-22 since you cannot start the game before it is published. But, you can of course just launch the game manually by selecting ADF files / not using the game database while taking screenshots. Setting publish = 1 for a game is acceptable though, if you intend to help test the variants / fix screens afterwards smiley

On a related note: I'm considering implementing a feature where games/variants can be semi-published; The games are synced to FS-UAE Launcher, but is invisible unless you choose to enable an option "Show hidden/beta games" or something like that. That should be a useful feature both for screenshot captures and for easily testing variants before making a game entry public smiley

Posted by thevoice at 2016-03-23 13:04:22:

@maxfactor yes, playing the game in fs-uae or win uae and take some nice screenshots works smiley

Posted by maxfactor at 2016-03-23 12:29:02:

Please, let me understand. How should I subimt screenshots for unpublished games? Could I upload those from Gamebase/Lemonade/Mamito collections? Or should I play games with WinUAE and make random screenshots while playing? Thanks

Posted by maxfactor at 2016-03-23 11:42:50:

Ehm... sorry... I thought it was enough to just set publish to one... What an idiot... :-|

Posted by thevoice at 2016-03-23 11:37:38:

@maxfactor what about helping to fill out entries and submit screenshots/covers before askinf to mass publish titles you like ? wink