
Super Cartridge Ver 8: 4 in 1 Nintendo

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Score: N/A
Developer:Thin Chen

The eight installment is probably the most interesting; instead of featuring only previous NES/Famicom releases it actually has three new games, two of which are ports from the Game Boy/Mega Duck. Said games never got single-cart releases on home consoles.

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Games List:

  • Final Combat (Battle City clone with an adustable turret; the only game on this multi that's from the NES/Famicom previously.)
  • Worm Visitor (Frogger clone where you have to avoid moving objects.)
  • Frog Adventure (Frogger again but you have to jump on the moving objects instead of avoiding them; seems to be entirely new and not a port of a Mega Duck game.)
  • Magical Tower (Maze game where you play interactive rock-paper-scissors of sorts; you have to touch an enemy with a hand yours is good against and defeat all the enemies in order to progress.)