Our intrepid hero "Hen House Harry" of "Chuckie Egg" fame, has been called in to help a "Chocolate Egg" manufacturer sort out his automated factory, which has gone haywire. Harry using all the skills he acquired working in the Hen House must get the wheels of industry moving. Not only does Harry have to collect the ingredients to mix the eggs, but he will also have to collect the parts for the toys that go inside the eggs. As if all these problems were not enough there are a number of other items that Harry will need to find and use to be able to complete the task, things like ladders, bits of girders, keys and many more. Chuckie Egg II contains 120 screens, plenty of surprises, and is a true Arcade/Adventure game ' you don't just find things, you actually move them and use them! — Cassette cover
Chuckie Egg 2 is the sequel to 1983 hit computer game Chuckie Egg. Released in 1985 and featuring the same lead character, Henhouse Harry, the game took players beyond the single-screen format of the original into a large factory. Here, Harry had to assemble a toy-carrying chocolate egg from its constituent parts (sugar, milk and cocoa powder) and deliver it to the dispatch lorry. On completion the quest restarted, with more monsters and an alternative toy.
Chuckie Egg 2 was originally released on cassette by A'n'F Software (or subsidiaries) for the Amstrad CPC, Sinclair ZX Spectrum (where it is sometimes referred to by its subtitle "Choccy Egg") and the Commodore 64 priced between GBP£6.90 and GBP£7.95. It was later bundled on a Virgin Group Now Games 2 compilation along with Airwolf, Cauldron, Tir Na Nog and World Cup. It was ported around 1988/89 to the Amiga and the Atari ST.