(ST) Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon Sailor Stars: Fuwa Fuwa Panic 2
Super NintendoDISABLED
Animal Snap - Rescue Them 2 by 2
PlayStationAnimal Snap: Rescue Them 2 by 2
Game Boy AdvanceBattle Shanghai - Dragon's Eye ~ Shanghai III - Dragon's Eye
TurboGrafx-CDBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Fuwafuwa Panic
Super Nintendobit Generations: Coloris
Game Boy Advancebit Generations: Dialhex
Game Boy AdvanceColumns Crown
Game Boy AdvanceColumns GB - Tezuka Osamu Characters
Game Boy ColorDragon Tiles II: The Tournament
AmigaDragon's Eye Plus - Shanghai III
Mega DriveFlipull - An Exciting Cube Game
NintendoGyuwambler Jiko Chuushinha - Mahjong Puzzle Collection
TurboGrafx-CDIdol Shisen Mahjong
NintendoIshido - The Way of Stones
Mega DriveIshido - The Way of Stones
Game BoyIshido - The Way of Stones
LynxIshidó: The Way of Stones
AmigaKirby no Kirakira Kids
Super NintendoKunio no Oden
Super NintendoMagical Drop
Game Boy ColorMagical Drop 2
Super NintendoMagical Drop III
PlayStationMagical Drop Plus 1!
PlayStationMagical Puzzle Popils
Game GearMarble Master
PlayStationMoney Idol Exchanger
PlayStationMoney Puzzle Exchanger
Neo-GeoNijiiro Twinkle - Guru Guru Daisakusen
PlayStationOtenki Kororin
PlayStationPrincess Maker - Pocket Daisakusen
PlayStationPro Yakyuu Nettou Puzzle Stadium
PlayStationPsychic Force - Puzzle Taisen
PlayStationPuyo Puyo Box
PlayStationPuyo Puyo Sun - Ketteiban
PlayStationPuyo Puyo Tsuu - Ketteiban
PlayStationPuyo Puyoon - Car-kun to Issho
PlayStationPuzzle Arena Toushinden
PlayStationPuzzle Nintama Rantarou - Ninjutsu Gakuen Puzzle Taikai no Dan
Super NintendoPuzzle Star Sweep
PlayStationSanrio Carnival 2
NintendoSanrio Carnival 2
Game BoyShanghai - True Valor
PlayStationShanghai II
TurboGrafx-CDShanghai II - Dragon's Eye
Mega DriveShanghai II: Dragon's Eye
Super NintendoShanghai Pocket
Game Boy ColorShingata Kururin Pa!
PlayStationShinshuku Taisen - It's a Nony!
PlayStationShisenshou - Match-Mania
Game BoySuper Bubble Pop
PlayStationSuper Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
ArcadeSuper Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
PlayStationTamago de Puzzle
PlayStationToko Toko Trouble - Chikyuu Itadaki!
PlayStationTsunTsun-gumi - Suuji de PuniPuni
PlayStationTwinBee Taisen Puzzle-dama
PlayStationUchuu Seibutsu Furopon-kun P!
PlayStationUndake30 Same Game
Super NintendoWrecking Crew '98
Super Nintendo