Batman Returns
Mega DriveBatman Returns
Super NintendoBattle Zeque Den
Super NintendoBattlemaniacs
Master SystemBattletoads in Ragnarok's World
Game BoyBram Stoker's Dracula
Game BoyBram Stoker's Dracula
Game GearBram Stoker's Dracula
Mega DriveBram Stoker's Dracula
NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Super NintendoBram Stoker's Dracula
Master SystemCedric and the Lost Sceptre
AmigaFinal Fight
Super NintendoFinal Fight 2
Super NintendoFinal Fight 3
Super NintendoFinal Fight Guy
Super NintendoFranko: The Crazy Revenge!
AmigaGhost Chaser Densei
Super NintendoHiryū no Ken S: Golden Fighter
Super NintendoHorror Zombies from the Crypt
AmigaIron Commando: Kotetsu no Senshi
Super NintendoMafdet And The Book of the Dead
AmigaMighty Final Fight
NintendoNightbreed: The Action Game
AmigaOperation: Cleanstreets
AmigaThe Revenge of Shinobi
Mega DriveRival Turf
Super NintendoShadow Dancer - The Secret of Shinobi
Mega DriveShinobi II - The Silent Fury
Game GearShinobi III: Return of the Ninja Master
Mega DriveSir Fred: The Legend
AmigaSword of Sodan
Mega DriveWrath of Gwendor: Special Edition '97