Mad Stalker - Full Metal Force
TurboGrafx-CDMad Stalker - Full Metal Forth
Mega DriveMad Stalker - FullMetalForce
PlayStationMafdet And The Book of the Dead
AmigaMakeruna! Makendou 2
PlayStationMartial Champion
TurboGrafx-CDMarvel Super Heroes
PlayStationMarvel Super Heroes vs. Street Fighter
PlayStationMarvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter
ArcadeMarvel Super Heroes: War of the Gems
Super NintendoMarvel vs. Capcom - Clash of Super Heroes
PlayStationMarvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes
ArcadeThe Masters Fighter
PlayStationMasters of Combat
Master SystemMatrimelee: Shin Gōketsuji Ichizoku Tōkon
Neo-GeoMazin Saga - Mutant Fighter
Mega DriveMegatudo 2096
PlayStationMighty Final Fight
NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Super NintendoMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers - The Movie
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie
Super NintendoMizuki Shigeru no Youkai Butouden
PlayStationMK5 - Mortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero
Mega DriveMoonstone: A Hard Days Knight
AmigaMortal Kombat 4
Game Boy ColorMortal Kombat Mythologies - Sub-Zero
PlayStationMortal Kombat Trilogy
PlayStationMTV Celebrity Deathmatch
PlayStationMystical Fighter
Mega Drive