
Turrican 3 Amiga

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Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2016-04-01 22:49:05 (Updated 2016-04-01 22:49:09):

Agreed, all beta and pre-release versions should be removed (unless when there is a particular good reason to keep them)!

Posted by thevoice at 2016-04-01 18:55:52 (Updated 2016-04-01 22:49:19):

I think the other 2 beta releases can be removed too since there is more than enough final versions smiley

Posted by amigafreak68k at 2014-02-20 11:20:02:

The cover uploaded by nexusle was from the version released in germany. As this database actually not provide localized content in selection I changed it to the versions (front and back) of the english version