
Sim Earth Amiga

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Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-11-19 15:45:27 (Updated 2013-11-19 15:46:39):

Starting with FS-UAE Launcher 2.3.10, variants can use hd_requirements = workbench to specify that FS-UAE should add a HD prepulated with a "standard" WB environment. This allows the high-res version of SimEarth to start properly. The option hd_startup is also used to automatically start the game before Workbench is opened. (The new hd_requirements implementation also obsoletes the old "minimal workbench" feature used with requirements = HD,WB).

Posted by tomse at 2013-11-18 15:54:44:

The hi-res version requires 2MB ram, for some reason the hi-res version cannot run when booting off the lo-res disk.

The hi-res version can run from floppy if skipping startup-sequence and manually entering the command for the game in the cli.

Alternatively a regular workbench disk can be booted up, and the game run from here.

Posted by nexusle at 2013-01-25 19:48:27:

Maxis recommend AmigaOS 2.x. I changed it globally to kickstart = 2.0+. The HiRes version is only playable from Hard Disk. Have tried this.