The awkwardly-titled Robbeary gives you the opportunity of raiding a 24-floor mega-store of its fruity contents. The game opens with the obligatory irrelevant parallax starfield backing the title screen. A short entertaining sample borrowed from a Pet Shop Boys intro is looped continually until you start the game. If you have read between the lines of the scenario you will not be surprised to hear that Robbeary is a traditional platform game. It would seem that this store is an enormous greengrocer's shop, for almost every bit of floor space is occupied by big juicy pieces of fruit. Collect them all from the current screen to get to the next.
Beartle is a very neatly drawn sprite, as are all the enemies. Everything is large and very colourful, no doubt designed with a younger player in mind, the graphics certainly impress. Sound effects during the game are suitably jolly, though it is a shame the title piece never gets anywhere.
Robbeary is definitely one of the better platform games around the Amiga at the moment (1988), and if you have a younger player in mind it would be an ideal choice.