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TODO: @Frode ADF, v4.00, cr SR
requires to add disk2 from the v3.01 variant. since only files on disk1 are updated. so all v4.00 require some 3.01 2nd disk.
In the readme of this install is written: "The installed program requires 0.5 MB ChipMem and 1.5 MB OtherMem." Have you tried adding some OtherMem in the config?
TODO: @Frode ADF, v4.00, cr SR requires to add disk2 from the v3.01 variant. since only files on disk1 are updated. so all v4.00 require some 3.01 2nd disk.
ok all floppy variants ask for more mem. going to make all 1024kb chip then.
more memory is required else we get this.
Ok! This was a great testing!
Guru confirmed on deleting a pilot with A600 setting. Returned to A1200.
Added 2 MB fast and removed the A1200 setting from the WHDLoad variant. Works fine that way.
In the readme of this install is written: "The installed program requires 0.5 MB ChipMem and 1.5 MB OtherMem." Have you tried adding some OtherMem in the config?
A1200 seems to do work for WHDLoad variant.
Not sure yet if it is correct. I will test more to see what is the actual culprit.
Why you doesn't change this in the variants options? Feel free to provide your solutions
Guru meditation with default WHDLoad settings. Upped machine specs to a1200 & 2MB chip and worked perfectly