
Hugo Train and Mountain Levels Amiga

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Posted by Tarvoswerkem at 2022-02-15 15:08:23:

Whdload v1.1 of this game has F10 set as quit-key - and the game uses F10 to start, meaning the game exits when you try to start it - unless ofc you disable quit key in all games in FS-UAE a v1.2 with prtscr as quit key might be a better option

Posted by Goingdown at 2013-03-13 11:03:07:

TODO: Cover is bad quality one, can anyone find better?

Posted by Goingdown at 2013-03-13 09:59:12 (Updated 2013-03-13 10:33:25):

TODO: I just played this through (both DK and FI versions). In DK version, there is indeed train and mountain levels. But in FI version, the levels are train and plane! So, the question is, how these games should be organized. Hugo part 1 and Hugo part 2, and then just put the screenshots so that they show in correct versions?