
Deja Vu II: Lost In Las Vegas!! Amiga

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Posted by thevoice at 2018-03-19 17:13:43:


you are correct. that way the whdload works as it should. so its neither a .slave nor an emulation bug it seems. maybe sonething went wrong when frode's importer added the title ? prbobably the "deja" name inside the archive with the special characters mess something up when unpacked on pc side ? as far as i know is fs-uae unpacks archives into a temporary harddist before launching the game. this case needs investigation of frode wink.

Posted by plutonick at 2018-03-19 09:32:02 (Updated 2018-03-19 09:50:26):


I dont think the patch needs updating, because using the same whdload installation on WINUAE works flawlessly.

Regarding FS-UAE, the WHDload install works fine if you use openretro's autoconfig and instead of using this string

DH0 (hd://game/ad061180-1a65-5afd-83fc-fcf91be9abc6)

You use this one DH0 (DejaVu2LostInLasVegas_v1.0.lha)

Posted by thevoice at 2018-03-18 05:09:53:

the guru meditation which pop up indicates a corrupt memory list. so someone have to play around with memory settings and see if it is possible to find a working one. another possibility may be to request an updated whdload patch since this one is already 10 years old and may be incompatible with current whdload.

Posted by plutonick at 2018-03-17 18:34:29:

I managed to load this using a custom config. Original config from openretro using the following as mounting hd options

"DH0 (hd://game/ad061180-1a65-5afd-83fc-fcf91be9abc6)"

I instead mounted the actual lha and it works. "DejaVu2LostInLasVegas_v1.0.lha (D:/abandonware/Amiga/whload games)"

Posted by plutonick at 2018-03-17 16:05:17:

Did Frode investigate this?

FS-UAE still has this problem. (Win-UAE loads the same .lha with no problem.)

Posted by TCD at 2013-03-25 18:27:24:

The SnoopDos log shows nothing special at least. I'll hand it to Frode later and we'll see why it happens smiley

Posted by Retro-Nerd at 2013-03-25 18:08:28:

According to the readme nothing special. TCD is already investigating the FS-UAE WHDLoad drive.

Posted by Goingdown at 2013-03-25 18:05:04:

Strange - I can get it to work if I use the whdload game with my preset a1200 hard disk. Does it require some extra library or something?

Posted by Retro-Nerd at 2013-03-25 17:59:24:

WHDLoad v1.0 slave works fine in the latest WinUAE Beta. Though the get same guru with FS-UAE.

Posted by Goingdown at 2013-03-25 17:18:03 (Updated 2013-03-25 17:42:02):

TODO: I cannot get whdload version to work. Guru meditation. So far I haven't found out working settings