
1943: The Battle of Midway Amiga

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Posted by TCD at 2013-06-16 11:25:53:

TODO: Test if the [cr PNA] crack is actually completable.

Posted by TCD at 2013-04-23 07:45:20:

WHDLoad v1.2 set to A1200.

Posted by RussDCA at 2013-04-23 06:39:43:

Correct, with A1200, this version is fine.

I'll upgrade my WHD version, but for the 1.2 set at A1200 doesn't give the error.

Posted by Retro-Nerd at 2013-04-22 21:21:05:

Makes sense: From the v1.3 readme.

  • Address error on 68000 fixed (keyboard handler)

Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-04-22 21:14:33:

It seems that the problem occurs when using v1.2 and A600, but it does not happen with A1200. @RussDCA can you verify that?

Posted by Retro-Nerd at 2013-04-22 20:58:02:

Use WHDLoad v1.3. It's the currrent fixed slave which also supports CD32 pad controls.

Posted by RussDCA at 2013-04-22 20:38:18:

Running the WHDLoad, v1.2 of this & standard config, no changes:

On the load screen, pressing the joystick fire button heads to the main menu as expected, but clicking the mouse button gives the following WHD crash:

Exception "Address Error" ($F00C) PC = $9FFCD2 (Slave $1C2 Read from $BFED01 (ciaa.icr)

If this is a WHD error, it could be my install but if someone could check this on their version, that'd be ace.