
OpenRetro Game Database



    The color gives a rough estimate on the level of support for the platform (supported, high, medium, low), both in how complete the game database is, and also how well the games are supported in clients using the database.

    Game Missing?

    If you are missing a game, please add a comment on the wishlist page.

    Cover for Magic Jewelry
    Magic Jewelry Nintendo
    Cover for Magic Jewelry 2
    Magic Jewelry 2 Nintendo
    Cover for Magical Mathematics
    Magical Mathematics Nintendo
    Cover for Mahjang Companion
    Mahjang Companion Nintendo
    Cover for Mahjong Block
    Mahjong Block Nintendo
    Cover for Mahjong Trap - Si Cuan Ma Que
    Mahjong Trap - Si Cuan Ma Que Nintendo
    Cover for The Mahjong World (Ma Que Shi Jie)
    The Mahjong World (Ma Que Shi Jie) Nintendo
    Cover for Master Shooter
    Master Shooter Nintendo
    Cover for Maxi 15
    Maxi 15 Nintendo
    Cover for Menace Beach
    Menace Beach Nintendo
    Cover for Mermaids of Atlantis: The Riddle of the Magic Bubble
    Mermaids of Atlantis: The Riddle of the Magic Bubble Nintendo
    Cover for Metal Fighter
    Metal Fighter Nintendo
    Cover for Metal Force
    Metal Force Nintendo
    Cover for Micro Machines
    Micro Machines Nintendo
    Cover for MiG 29 - Soviet Fighter
    MiG 29 - Soviet Fighter Nintendo
    Cover for Millionaire
    Millionaire Nintendo
    Cover for Mindblower Pak
    Mindblower Pak Nintendo
    Cover for Mission Cobra
    Mission Cobra Nintendo
    Cover for El Monstruo de los Globos
    El Monstruo de los Globos Nintendo
    Cover for Moon Ranger
    Moon Ranger Nintendo
    Cover for Ms. Pac-Man [Tengen]
    Ms. Pac-Man [Tengen] Nintendo