Bahamut Lagoon
Super NintendoBandit Kings of Ancient China
AmigaBandit Kings of Ancient China
Super NintendoBattle Hunter
PlayStationBattle Robot Retsuden
Super NintendoBe-Bop-Highschool - Koukousei Gokuraku Densetsu
NintendoBikkuriman World - Gekitou Sei Senshi
NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon: Another Story
Super NintendoBloody Warriors - Shan-Go no Gyakushuu
NintendoBounty Sword
Super NintendoBuck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
Buck Rogers: Countdown to Doomsday
AmigaBurai - Yatsudama no Yuushi Densetsu
TurboGrafx-CDBurai II - Yami Koutei no Gyakushuu
TurboGrafx-CDBurai: Hachigyoku no Yuushi Densetsu
Super Nintendo