Balance of Power: Geopolitics in the Nuclear Age
AmigaBalance of Power: The 1990 Edition
AmigaBallerburg - Castle Chaos
PlayStationBandit Kings of Ancient China
NintendoBandit Kings of Ancient China
Super NintendoBarbie Super Model
Super NintendoBarbie Super Model
Mega DriveBattle Chess II: Chinese Chess
AmigaBattle Fleet
Battle Hunter
PlayStationBattle Robot Retsuden
Super NintendoBattle Shanghai - Dragon's Eye ~ Shanghai III - Dragon's Eye
TurboGrafx-CDBattle Stations
PlayStationBattle Submarine
Super NintendoBattleship
Game Boy ColorBattleship - The Classic Naval Combat Game
Game GearThe Big Picture
Bishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon S: Kondo wa Puzzle de Oshioki yo!
Super NintendoBishoujo Senshi Sailor Moon SuperS: Fuwafuwa Panic
Super NintendoBishoujo Wrestler Retsuden: Blizzard Yuki Rannyuu!!
Super NintendoBlack Gold [Electronic Zoo]
AmigaBlodia Land - Puzzle Quest
NintendoThe Blue and the Gray
AmigaBonanza Bros.
Master SystemBonanza Bros.
TurboGrafx-CDBrigandine - The Legend of Forsena