O'Leary Manager 2000
Game Boy ColorOkamoto Ayako to Match Play Golf - Ko Olina Golf Club in Hawaii
Super NintendoOlympic Gold
Master SystemOlympic Soccer
PlayStationOlympic Summer Games
PlayStationOlympic Summer Games
Super NintendoOlympic Summer Games
Mega DriveOlympic Summer Games
Game BoyOlympique de Marseille
AmigaOn The Ball: World Cup Edition
AmigaOne Two Smash - Tanoshii Tennis
PlayStationOne-on-One Basketball
Atari 7800Onizuka Katsuya Super Virtual Boxing - Shin Kentou Ou Densetsu
Super NintendoOonita Atsushi FMW
Super NintendoOozumou Spirits
Super NintendoOpen Golf, The - History of Turnberry