
OpenRetro Game Database



    The color gives a rough estimate on the level of support for the platform (supported, high, medium, low), both in how complete the game database is, and also how well the games are supported in clients using the database.

    Game Missing?

    If you are missing a game, please add a comment on the wishlist page.

    Cover for Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu
    Jackie Chan's Action Kung Fu Nintendo
    Cover for James Bond Jr
    James Bond Jr Nintendo
    Cover for Janggun-ui Adeul
    Janggun-ui Adeul Nintendo
    Cover for Jaws
    Jaws Nintendo
    Cover for The Jetsons - Cogswell's Caper
    The Jetsons - Cogswell's Caper Nintendo
    Cover for Jikuu Yuuden - Debias
    Jikuu Yuuden - Debias Nintendo
    Cover for Joe & Mac
    Joe & Mac Nintendo
    Cover for Joshua & the Battle of Jericho
    Joshua & the Battle of Jericho Nintendo
    Cover for Journey to Silius
    Journey to Silius Nintendo
    Cover for Journey to the West
    Journey to the West Nintendo
    Cover for Joust
    Joust Nintendo
    Cover for Joy Mech Fight
    Joy Mech Fight Nintendo
    Cover for The Jungle Book
    The Jungle Book Nintendo
    Cover for Jurassic Boy
    Jurassic Boy Nintendo