
OpenRetro Game Database



    The color gives a rough estimate on the level of support for the platform (supported, high, medium, low), both in how complete the game database is, and also how well the games are supported in clients using the database.

    Game Missing?

    If you are missing a game, please add a comment on the wishlist page.

    Cover for Kabuki Klash: Far East of Eden
    Kabuki Klash: Far East of Eden Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters '94
    The King of Fighters '94 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters '95
    The King of Fighters '95 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters '96
    The King of Fighters '96 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters '97
    The King of Fighters '97 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
    The King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle
    The King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters 2000
    The King of Fighters 2000 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters 2001
    The King of Fighters 2001 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters 2002
    The King of Fighters 2002 Neo-Geo
    Cover for The King of Fighters 2003
    The King of Fighters 2003 Neo-Geo
    Cover for King of the Monsters
    King of the Monsters Neo-Geo
    Cover for King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing
    King of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing Neo-Geo
    Cover for Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
    Kizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle Neo-Geo