Cabbage Patch Kids: The Patch Puppy Rescue
Game Boy AdvanceCadillacs and Dinosaurs
ArcadeCamp California
TurboGrafx-CDCapcom Generation - Dai-2-shuu Makai to Kishi
PlayStationCapcom Generation - Dai-5-shuu Kakutouka-tachi
PlayStationCapcom vs. SNK Pro
PlayStationCaptain America and the Avengers
Super NintendoCaptain America and the Avengers
NintendoCaptain America and the Avengers
Mega DriveCaptain America and the Avengers
Game BoyCaptain America and The Avengers
ArcadeCaptain America and the Avengers
Game GearCaptain Comic - The Adventure
NintendoCaptain Commando
Super NintendoCaptain Commando
PlayStationCaptain Novolin
Super NintendoCaptain Planet and the Planeteers
AmigaCaptain Planet and the Planeteers
NintendoCaptain Planet and the Planeteers
Mega DriveCaptain Silver
Master SystemCarcharodon: White Sharks
AmigaCare Bears: The Care Quests
Game Boy AdvanceCarl Lewis Athletics 2000
Game Boy ColorCasper - Friends Around the World
PlayStationCastelo Ra-Tim-Bum
Master SystemCastle of Deceit
NintendoCastle of Dragon
NintendoCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Master SystemCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Mega DriveCastle of Illusion Starring Mickey Mouse
Game GearCastlevania - Symphony of the Night
PlayStationCastlevania - The Adventure
Game BoyCastlevania Chronicles
PlayStationCastlevania II - Belmont's Revenge
Game BoyCastlevania II - Simon's Quest
NintendoCastlevania III - Dracula's Curse
NintendoCastlevania Legends
Game BoyCastlevania: Bloodlines
Mega DriveCastlevania: Dracula X
Super NintendoThe Cat in the Hat
PlayStationCat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss, The
Game Boy AdvanceCB Chara Wars: Ushinawareta Gag
Super NintendoCedric and the Lost Sceptre
AmigaChambers of Shaolin
AmigaChampion Wrestler - Jikkyou Live
PlayStationChampions Forever Boxing
TurboGrafx-16Championship Golf: Pebble Beach
AmigaChampionship Lode Runner
NintendoCharlie and the Chocolate Factory
Game Boy AdvanceCharlie Chimp II: Monkey Mayhem
AmigaCharlie J. Cool [AGA]
AmigaCharlotte's Web
Game Boy AdvanceCheese Cat-astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
Master SystemCheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
Mega DriveCheese Cat-Astrophe Starring Speedy Gonzales
Game GearChester Cheetah - Too Cool to Fool
Mega DriveChester Cheetah - Wild Wild Quest
Mega DriveChester Cheetah: Too Cool to Fool
Super NintendoChester Cheetah: Wild Wild Quest
Super NintendoChester Field - Ankoku Shin e no Chousen
NintendoLes Chevaliers du Zodiaque: La Légende d'Or
NintendoChicago Syndicate
Game GearChicken Little
Game Boy AdvanceChiki Chiki Boys
Mega DriveChiki Chiki Boys
TurboGrafx-CDChina Warrior
TurboGrafx-16Chip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers
NintendoChip 'n Dale - Rescue Rangers 2
NintendoChippoke Ralph no Daibouken - The Adventure of Little Ralph
PlayStationChocobo's Dungeon 2
PlayStationChoplifter II - Rescue & Survive
Game BoyChoplifter III: Rescue Survive
Super NintendoChou Aniki - Kyuukyoku Muteki Ginga Saikyou Otoko
PlayStationChou Aniki: Bakuretsu Rantou Hen
Super NintendoChou Jikuu Yousai Macross - Ai Oboete Imasu ka
PlayStationChou Jikuu Yousai Macross 2036
TurboGrafx-CDChou Sentou Kyuugi Vanborg
PlayStationChou-Kousoku Gran Doll
PlayStationChoujikuu Yousai - Macross
NintendoChoujikuu Yousai Macross: Scrambled Valkyrie
Super NintendoChoujin Gakuen - Gowcaizer
PlayStationChoujin Sentai Jetman
NintendoChris Kamara's Street Soccer
PlayStationThe Chronicles Of Omega
AmigaChuck Rock
Super NintendoChuck Rock II - Son of Chuck
Master SystemChuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
CD32Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
AmigaChuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
Mega DriveChuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
Game GearCinderella: Magical Dreams
Game Boy AdvanceCity Hunter
TurboGrafx-16Clash at Demonhead
Super NintendoClayFighter: Tournament Edition
Super NintendoClayFighter 2: Judgement Clay
Super NintendoCliffhanger
Super NintendoCloud Master
Master SystemCode Name - Viper
NintendoCodename - Kids Next Door - Operation S.O.D.A.
Game Boy AdvanceCollege Slam
Super NintendoThe Combatribes
Super NintendoComix Zone
Game Boy AdvanceCommander Keen
Game Boy ColorConan The Cimmerian
AmigaCongo's Caper
Super NintendoConquest of the Crystal Palace
NintendoConquests of the Longbow
AmigaContra - The Alien Wars
Game BoyContra Advance: The Alien Wars EX
Game Boy AdvanceContra III: The Alien Wars
Super NintendoContra: Hard Corps
Mega DriveCool World
Super NintendoCoryoon - Child of Dragon
TurboGrafx-16Cosmic Spacehead
Master SystemCosmic Spacehead
NintendoCosmic Spacehead
Mega DriveCosmo & Wanda: Wenn Elfen Helfen! - Das Schattenduell
Game Boy AdvanceCosmo Police Galivan
NintendoCosmo Police Galivan II: Arrow of Justice
Super NintendoCrash Bandicoot 2: N-Tranced
Game Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot Purple: Ripto's Rampage
Game Boy AdvanceCrash Bandicoot: The Huge Adventure
Game Boy AdvanceCrash of the Titans
Game Boy AdvanceCrayon Shin-chan: Arashi o Yobu Enji
Super NintendoCrayon Shin-chan 2: Daimaou no Gyakushuu
Super NintendoCreatures
Game Boy AdvanceCreatures - Raised in Space
PlayStationCritical Blow
PlayStationCroket! Kindan no Kinka Box!
PlayStationCross Wiber - Cyber Combat Police
TurboGrafx-16Crossbow: The Legend of William Tell
AmigaCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Game Boy AdvanceCrystal's Pony Tale
Mega DriveCT Special Forces
Game Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces
PlayStationCT Special Forces - Back to Hell
PlayStationCT Special Forces 2: Back in the Trenches
Game Boy AdvanceCT Special Forces 3 - Bioterror
PlayStationCT Special Forces: Bioterror
Game Boy AdvanceCurious George
Game Boy AdvanceCutie Suzuki no Ringside Angel
Mega DriveCutthroat Island
Super NintendoCutThroat Island
Mega DriveCutThroat Island
Game BoyCutThroat Island
Game GearCyber Shinobi, The
Master SystemCyberbots - Fullmetal Madness
Super NintendoCybernoid II: The Revenge
AmigaCybernoid: The Fighting Machine
AmigaCybernoid: The Fighting Machine
NintendoCyborg 009
Super NintendoCyborg Hunter
Master SystemCyborg Justice
Mega DriveCyborg Kuro-chan 2: White Woods no Gyakushuu
Game Boy ColorCyborg Kuro-chan: Devil Fukkatsu
Game Boy Color