Warhammer - Dark Omen
PlayStationWarhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat
PlayStationWarriors of Might and Magic
PlayStationWarriors of Might and Magic
Game Boy ColorWhale's Voyage II: Die Übermacht
AmigaWizap! - Ankoku no Ou
Super NintendoWizardry: Proving Grounds of the Mad Overlord
NintendoWizardry I-II-III - Story of Llylgamyn
Super NintendoWizardry: Knight of Diamonds - The Second Scenario
NintendoWizardry: Llylgamyn no Isan
NintendoWizardry Gaiden IV - Taima no Kodou
Super NintendoWizardry V: Heart of the Maelstrom
Super NintendoWizardry VI - Kindan no Mahitsu
Super NintendoWizardry I, II
TurboGrafx-CDWizardry III, IV
TurboGrafx-CDWizardry V - Heart of the Maelstrom
TurboGrafx-CDWizardry: Bane of the Cosmic Forge
AmigaWizards & Warriors Chapter X - The Fortress of Fear
Game BoyWonder Boy in Monster World
Master SystemWonder Boy in Monster World
Mega DriveWondrous Magic
Super NintendoWorld of Dragon Warrior - Torneko - The Last Hope
PlayStationWorlds of Legend: Son of the Empire