Alundra 2 - A New Legend Begins
PlayStationArc the Lad II
PlayStationArc the Lad III
PlayStationBeyond the Beyond
PlayStationBlaze & Blade - Eternal Quest
PlayStationBlood Omen - Legacy of Kain
PlayStationBrave Fencer Musashi
PlayStationBreath of Fire III
PlayStationBreath of Fire IV
PlayStationBrigandine - The Legend of Forsena
PlayStationChocobo's Dungeon 2
PlayStationChrono Trigger
PlayStationCrusaders of Might and Magic
PlayStationDance! Dance! Dance!
PlayStationDeception III - Dark Delusion
PlayStationDigimon World 3
PlayStationDigimonWorld 2
PlayStationDisney's Dinosaur
PlayStationDragon Warrior VII
PlayStationEhrgeiz - God Bless the Ring
PlayStationFinal Fantasy
PlayStationFinal Fantasy II
PlayStationFinal Fantasy IV
PlayStationFinal Fantasy V
PlayStationFinal Fantasy VI
PlayStationFinal Fantasy VII
PlayStationFinal Fantasy VIII
PlayStationFinal Fantasy IX
PlayStationFinal Fantasy Origins
PlayStationFinal Fantasy Tactics
PlayStationFront Mission 3
PlayStationThe Granstream Saga
PlayStationGuardian's Crusade
PlayStationHoshigami - Ruining Blue Earth
PlayStationJade Cocoon - Story of the Tamamayu
PlayStationKagero - Deception II
PlayStationKartia - The Word of Fate
PlayStationKing's Field II
PlayStationKingsley's Adventure
PlayStationLegacy of Kain - Soul Reaver
PlayStationThe Legend of Dragoon
PlayStationLegend of Legaia
PlayStationLegend of Mana
PlayStationLunar - Silver Star Story Complete
PlayStationLunar 2 - Eternal Blue Complete
PlayStationMaster of Monsters - Disciples of Gaia
PlayStationMega Man Legends
PlayStationMega Man Legends 2
PlayStationMonster Rancher
PlayStationMonster Rancher 2
PlayStationMonster Rancher Battle Card - Episode II
PlayStationOgre Battle - Limited Edition
PlayStationParasite Eve II
PlayStationPersona 2 - Eternal Punishment
PlayStationRhapsody - A Musical Adventure
PlayStationRidegear Guybrave
PlayStationSaGa Frontier
PlayStationSaGa Frontier 2
PlayStationSaiyuki - Journey West
PlayStationShadow Madness
PlayStationStar Ocean - The Second Story
PlayStationTales of Destiny
PlayStationTales of Destiny II
PlayStationTechnoMage - Return of Eternity
PlayStationTecmo's Deception - Invitation to Darkness
PlayStationThousand Arms
PlayStationThreads of Fate
PlayStationVagrant Story
PlayStationValkyrie Profile
PlayStationVandal Hearts
PlayStationVandal Hearts II
PlayStationVanguard Bandits
PlayStationVisiteurs, Les - La Relique de Sainte Rolande
PlayStationWarhammer - Dark Omen
PlayStationWarhammer - Shadow of the Horned Rat
PlayStationWarriors of Might and Magic
PlayStationWorld of Dragon Warrior - Torneko - The Last Hope