Blinky's Scary School
AmigaBubble and Squeak [AGA]
AmigaCharlie J. Cool [AGA]
AmigaFatman: The Caped Consumer
AmigaFatman: The Caped Consumer [AGA]
AmigaThe Incredible Crash Dummies
AmigaJimmy's Fantastic Journey
AmigaMarvin's Marvellous Adventure
AmigaMorton Strikes Back
AmigaMorton Strikes Back [AGA]
AmigaQuik the Thunder Rabbit
AmigaRuff and Reddy - The Space Adventure
AmigaThe Seven Gates of Jambala
AmigaThe Simpsons - Bart vs. the World
AmigaTerry's Big Adventure
AmigaTraps 'n' Treasures
AmigaTwinWorld - Land of Vision
AmigaYogi's Big Clean Up