
OpenRetro Game Database



    The color gives a rough estimate on the level of support for the platform (supported, high, medium, low), both in how complete the game database is, and also how well the games are supported in clients using the database.

    Game Missing?

    If you are missing a game, please add a comment on the wishlist page.

    Cover for Day Dreamin' Davey
    Day Dreamin' Davey Nintendo
    Cover for Deadly Towers
    Deadly Towers Nintendo
    Cover for Demon Sword
    Demon Sword Nintendo
    Cover for Devilman
    Devilman Nintendo
    Cover for Dirty Harry
    Dirty Harry Nintendo
    Cover for Downtown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou!
    Downtown Special - Kunio-kun no Jidaigeki Da yo Zenin Shuugou! Nintendo
    Cover for Dr. Chaos
    Dr. Chaos Nintendo
    Cover for Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon Ball: Le Secret du Dragon
    Dragon Ball: Le Secret du Dragon Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon Buster
    Dragon Buster Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin
    Dragon Buster II - Yami no Fuuin Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon Fighter
    Dragon Fighter Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon Power
    Dragon Power Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu
    Dragon Scroll - Yomigaerishi Maryuu Nintendo
    Cover for Dragon's Lair
    Dragon's Lair Nintendo
    Cover for Dynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus
    Dynowarz - Destruction of Spondylus Nintendo