Ian Livingstone's Deathtrap Dungeon
PlayStationIdea no Hi
Super NintendoIllusion of Gaia
Super NintendoIllvanian no Shiro
Super NintendoIn Magical Adventure - Fray CD - Xak Gaiden
Super NintendoIndiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
DOSIndiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis
AmigaIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
AmigaIndiana Jones and the Last Crusade
DOSIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
NintendoIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
ArcadeIndora no Hikari
NintendoIndiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
AmigaIshar: Legend of the Fortress
AmigaIshar: Legend of the Fortress [AGA]
AmigaIshar 2: Messengers of Doom
AmigaIshar 2: Messengers of Doom [AGA]
AmigaIshar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity
AmigaIshar 3: The Seven Gates of Infinity [AGA]