Arch Rivals - The Arcade Game
Game GearBattletoads in Battlemaniacs
Super NintendoThe Death and Return of Superman
Mega DriveDirty Larry - Renegade Cop
LynxFlying Dragon - The Secret Scroll
NintendoHit the Ice
Super NintendoHit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League
TurboGrafx-16Hit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League
Game BoyHit the Ice - VHL - The Official Video Hockey League
Mega DriveJerry Glanville's Pigskin Footbrawl
Mega DriveKnights of the Round
Super NintendoLast Action Hero
Super NintendoLast Action Hero
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game GearMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Mega DriveMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Game BoyMighty Morphin Power Rangers
Super NintendoMutant League Football
Mega DriveMutant League Hockey
Mega DriveNangoku Shounen Papuwa-kun
Super NintendoThe Ninja Warriors
Super NintendoThe Peace Keepers
Super NintendoPit Fighter - The Ultimate Competition
Master SystemPit-Fighter
Super NintendoShodai Nekketsu Kouha Kunio-kun
Super NintendoShounen Ninja Sasuke
Super NintendoVenom & Spider-Man: Separation Anxiety
Super NintendoSpider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage
Super NintendoSpider-Man . Venom - Maximum Carnage
Mega DriveStone Protectors
Super NintendoSuper Chinese World 2 - Uchuuichi Butou Taikai
Super NintendoSuper Chinese World 3 - Chou Jigen Daisakusen
Super NintendoVenom . Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety
Mega Drive