Bad News Baseball
NintendoBaseball Fighter
NintendoBaseball Simulator 1.000
NintendoBaseball Stars II
NintendoBases Loaded II - Second Season
NintendoBattle Stadium - Senbatsu Pro Yakyuu
NintendoBest Play Pro Yakyuu
Bo Jackson Baseball
NintendoCyber Stadium Series - Base Wars
NintendoEmoyan no 10 Bai Pro Yakyuu
NintendoFamicom Yakyuu Ban
NintendoFamista '89 - Kaimaku Ban!!
NintendoGanbare Pennant Race!
NintendoHome Run Night '90: The Pennant League
NintendoHome Run Nighter: Pennant League!!
NintendoKyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium
NintendoKyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium - '88 Senshu Shin Data Version
NintendoKyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium - Heisei Gannen Ban
Kyuukyoku Harikiri Stadium III
Kyuukyoku Harikiri Koushien
NintendoLegends of the Diamond - The Baseball Championship Game
NintendoLittle League Baseball - Championship Series
NintendoMajor League Baseball
NintendoMeimon! Daisan Yakyuubu
NintendoMizushima Shinji no Dai Koushien
NintendoNantettatte!! Baseball
NintendoNippon Ichi no Meikantoku
NintendoR.B.I. Baseball 2
NintendoR.B.I. Baseball 3
NintendoRoger Clemens' MVP Baseball
NintendoShin Moero!! Pro Yakyuu
NintendoSuper Real Baseball '88