Pele II - World Tournament Soccer
Mega DrivePerfect Dark
Game Boy ColorPerman Part 2: Himitsu Kessha Madoodan o Taose!
NintendoPete Rose Baseball
Atari 7800Pete Sampras Tennis
Mega DrivePhantasy Star
Master SystemPhantasy Star II
Mega DrivePhantasy Star III: Generations of Doom
Mega DrivePhantasy Star IV
Mega DrivePier Solar and the Great Architects
Pingu - Sekai de 1ban Genki na Penguin
Game BoyPocket Pro Yakyuu
Game Boy ColorPocket Stadium
Pocky & Rocky
Super NintendoPocky & Rocky 2
Super NintendoPopulous - The Beginning
PlayStationPopulous - The Promised Lands
TurboGrafx-CDPopulous II: Trials of the Olympian Gods
AmigaPower Drive
Super NintendoPower League '93
TurboGrafx-16Power League 4
TurboGrafx-16Power League 5
TurboGrafx-16Power League II
TurboGrafx-16Power League III
TurboGrafx-16Power Spike - Pro Beach Volleyball
Super NintendoPowermonger WW1 Edition
Powerplay: The Game of the Gods
AmigaPrime Time NFL Starring Deion Sanders
Mega DrivePro Moves Soccer
Mega DrivePro Pinball - Big Race USA
PlayStationPro Pinball - Fantastic Journey
PlayStationPro Pinball - The Web
PlayStationPro Pinball - Timeshock!
PlayStationPro Sport Hockey
NintendoPro Sport Hockey
Super NintendoPro Tennis Simulator
Pro Wrestling
Master SystemPro Yakyuu '91, The
Game GearPro Yakyuu GG League '94
Game GearPro Yakyuu World Stadium
TurboGrafx-16Pro Yakyuu World Stadium '91
TurboGrafx-16Pumuckls Abenteuer bei den Piraten
Game Boy ColorPumuckls Abenteuer im Geisterschloss
Game Boy ColorPutt & Putter
Master System