
OpenRetro Game Database



    The color gives a rough estimate on the level of support for the platform (supported, high, medium, low), both in how complete the game database is, and also how well the games are supported in clients using the database.

    Game Missing?

    If you are missing a game, please add a comment on the wishlist page.

    Cover for Cadaver
    Cadaver Amiga
    Cover for Cadaver: The Last Supper
    Cadaver: The Last Supper Amiga
    Cover for Cadaver: The Pay Off
    Cadaver: The Pay Off Amiga
    Cover for Captain Blood
    Captain Blood Amiga
    Cover for Caribbean Disaster
    Caribbean Disaster Amiga
    Cover for Castle of Dr. Brain
    Castle of Dr. Brain Amiga
    Cover for Les Castors Juniors dans la Forêt
    Les Castors Juniors dans la Forêt Amiga
    Cover for Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess
    Chamber of the Sci-Mutant Priestess Amiga
    Cover for Chrono Quest
    Chrono Quest Amiga
    Cover for Ciemna Strona
    Ciemna Strona Amiga
    Cover for Der Clou!
    Der Clou! Amiga
    Cover for Der Clou! [AGA]
    Der Clou! [AGA] Amiga
    Cover for The Clue!
    The Clue! Amiga
    Cover for The Clue! [AGA]
    The Clue! [AGA] Amiga
    Cover for Code Name: Iceman
    Code Name: Iceman Amiga
    Cover for Cogans Run
    Cogans Run Amiga
    Cover for The Colonel's Bequest
    The Colonel's Bequest Amiga
    Cover for Conquests of Camelot
    Conquests of Camelot Amiga
    Cover for Conquests of the Longbow
    Conquests of the Longbow Amiga
    Cover for Corruption
    Corruption Amiga
    Cover for Cosmic Relief: Prof. Renegade to the Rescue
    Cosmic Relief: Prof. Renegade to the Rescue Amiga
    Cover for Cosmic Spacehead
    Cosmic Spacehead Amiga
    Cover for Crash Garrett
    Crash Garrett Amiga
    Cover for Crime City
    Crime City Amiga
    Cover for Crime Time
    Crime Time Amiga
    Cover for Crimson Crown
    Crimson Crown Amiga
    Cover for Croisière Pour Un Cadavre
    Croisière Pour Un Cadavre Amiga
    Cover for Cruise for a Corpse
    Cruise for a Corpse Amiga
    Cover for Curse of Enchantia
    Curse of Enchantia Amiga
    Cover for Cutthroats
    Cutthroats Amiga