K-Razy Shoot-Out
Atari 5200Ka-Ge-Ki - Fists of Steel
Mega DriveKabuki - Quantum Fighter
NintendoKabuki Klash: Far East of Eden
Neo-GeoKaette Kita Cyborg Kuro-chan
PlayStationKagerou Densetsu
NintendoKahen Soukou Gunbike - Speed Power Gunbike
PlayStationKaijuu Ou Gojira
Game BoyKaikan Phrase - Datenshi Kourin
PlayStationKaisoku Tenshi - The Rapid Angel
PlayStationKaizou Choujin Shubibinman 3 - Ikai no Princess
TurboGrafx-CDKaizou Choujin Shubibinman Zero
Super NintendoKakuge Yarou - Fighting Game Creator
PlayStationKakugo no Susume
PlayStationKamen no Ninja - Akakage
NintendoKamen Rider Agito
PlayStationKamen Rider Club
NintendoKamen Rider Kuuga
PlayStationKamen Rider Ryuuki
PlayStationKamen Rider SD - Hashire! Mighty Riders
Game BoyKamen Rider SD - Shutsugeki!! Rider Machine
Super NintendoKamen Rider V3
PlayStationKanshakudama Nage Kantarou no Toukaidou Gojuusan Tsugi
NintendoKarakuri Kengou Den Musashi Lord - Karakuribito Hashiru
NintendoKarate Master
Kaze Kiri - Ninja Action
TurboGrafx-CDKendo Rage
Super NintendoKensei - Sacred Fist
PlayStationKenyuu Densetsu Yaiba
Game BoyKenyuu Densetsu Yaiba
Game GearKero Kero Keroppi no Daibouken 2 - Donuts Ike wa Oosawagi!
NintendoKi no Bouken - The Quest of Ki
NintendoKid Klown in Crazy Chase
Super NintendoKidou Senshi Z Gundam: Hot Scramble
NintendoKileak - The DNA Imperative
PlayStationKing Arthur & The Knights of Justice
Super NintendoKing Kong 2: Ikari no Megaton Punch
NintendoKing Neptune's Adventure
NintendoThe King of Fighters '94
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '95
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '95
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '96
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '96
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '97
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '97
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '98: The Slugfest
Neo-GeoKing of Fighters '98, The - Dream Match Never Ends
PlayStationThe King of Fighters '99: Millenium Battle
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99
PlayStationThe King of Fighters 2000
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2000
Mega DriveThe King of Fighters 2001
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2002
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters 2003
Neo-GeoThe King of Fighters '99
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters
Neo-GeoKing of the Monsters 2
Mega DriveKing of the Monsters 2: The Next Thing
Neo-GeoKingsley's Adventure
PlayStationKishin Douji Zenki
Game GearKishin Douji Zenki - Battle Raiden
Super NintendoKishin Douji Zenki - Denei Raibu
Super NintendoKiteretsu Daihyakka - Bouken Ooedo Juraki
Game BoyKizuna Encounter: Super Tag Battle
Neo-GeoKlaymen Gun-Hockey
PlayStationKlonoa - Door to Phantomile
PlayStationKnightmare II - The Maze of Galious
Knights of the Round
ArcadeKoroKoro Post nin
PlayStationKouryuu Densetsu Villgust Gaiden
NintendoKoutetsu Reiiki - Steeldom
PlayStationKung Fu Kid
Master SystemKung-Fu Master
Atari 7800Kuusou Kagaku Sekai Gulliver Boy
Super NintendoKyatto Ninden Teyandee
NintendoKyoro-chan no Prikura Daisakusen
PlayStationKyouryuu Sentai Zyuranger