
T-ZerO Amiga

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Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2017-01-29 21:12:12:

@thevoice Yes, the Launcher is actually a bit "clever" about this. If more than 8 MB fast RAM is added, the Launcher automatically selects a full 32-bit CPU (e.g. 68020 instead of the default 68ec020) and uses Zorro III fast RAM.

I changed fast memory to 64 MB to make it a power of two smiley

Posted by thevoice at 2017-01-22 13:57:08 (Updated 2017-01-29 21:12:23):

The game requires a lot of fastmem for preload. - 1.8 MB ChipMem and 3 MB OtherMem (+34 MB OtherMem for preload option) as the whdload readme says. i have set fastmem to 40960kb idk if this is correct as i couldnt find a z3_fastmem entry on the web frontend. anyway with just 8mb fastmem the animation sequences stutter hardcore.