
Barbarian II Amiga

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Posted by Nolendil at 2021-05-27 01:28:53 (Updated 2021-05-27 01:30:54):

Thanks for adding "WHDLoad, v2.0, Psygnosis, 0611"! It launches properly and seems to work well.

Posted by Nolendil at 2021-04-02 22:54:47 (Updated 2021-04-02 23:35:29):

A new version of the WHDLoad package has been released recently and needs to be added:

version 2.0 (16.03.21) done by C-fou!:

  • source code rewritten, adapted for WHDLoad 17+ & included
  • CUSTOM1 Tooltype used for trainer
    • CUSTOM1=1 : unlimited energy
    • CUSTOM1=2 : To enable In game key
      • HELP key : to give money, keys & arrows
      • DEL key : to see end sequence screen with 100% of game completion
  • CUSTOM2=1 used for CD32 Pad support
    • Blue Button : To Jump
    • Green button : To pick up item
    • Yellow Button : To swift the items in the inventory
    • RVRS+FRWRD+PLAY: To leave WHDLoad
  • QuitKey support for 68000 added in game too
  • new install script

Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-08-21 07:15:50 (Updated 2013-08-21 17:47:07):

TODO: @thundercato, yes - that's where I tested (IPF) -could not reproduce, but I tested with an ADF disk set now, and there the text is cut off. So no prob., will fix smiley

Posted by thundercato at 2013-08-21 06:37:46:

Sorry, no. I will save it in future though. If you begin the game after the intro it asks you to swap disks. So you could just warp speed through the intro to get to it. Sorry I haven't quite figured out how to edit view ports yet

Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-08-21 06:06:35:

@thundercato, do you by any chance have a save state just before the problem appears? smiley

Posted by thundercato at 2013-08-20 20:01:37:

TODO: The viewport cuts off the bottom half of the text at the bottom of the screen when it asks the user to change disk.

Posted by FrodeSolheim at 2013-02-03 10:14:22:

Yes, I am aware of this problem smiley The solution is probably to run a check and see if there are more cr versions for disk 2 than disk disk 1, and if so, use disk 2 as main disk when running the disk matching routine.

Posted by thevoice at 2013-01-29 05:39:45:

oh hai,

while stomping through the tosec set to "convert" it to a useful fs-uae resource for something quite different (aka dejunk it from a ton of unnessessary disks) i stumbled over something. i post it here because barbarian ii is also affected by this problem. if you go through the different sets you can especially see that psygnosis titles usually have a disk 1 for the intro and usually a bootable disk 2. well back in scenedays the releases were numbered disk0 intro disk1 bootable disk1 for the game. in this very slave the entire line of skid row crack's trainers are not even considered by the file importer as they are all on tosecs count disk2 while the importer start the release with disk1 (intro) they wouldnt be accessible even if they were imported.

so we kinda need another import strategy for those very titles. either we need a 2nd entry like barbarian 2 with intro and barbarian 2 without intro like the company crack in this game. another possibility could be to just reset the amiga after the intro and let it boot with a different setup of disks , in other words automount just disk2 - diskx after reset.

hope you understand what i mean, otherwise i will rephrase after a few more coffee'S as its just 7:40am here now xD