
Silent Service II Amiga

Upload File

A newly uploaded file will by default only be private to you. After it is uploaded you can alter visibility type and also modify file name and tags.

Files you can upload here include:

  • High-res scans (for preservation).
  • Manuals and other game documentation.
  • Actual game files (for distributable games).

To add covers for display purposes, go to the edit tab instead.

The uploaded files are downloadable as is, without any processing or watermarking.

If you upload scans and have retouched / cropped / fixed them, please consider uploading a pristine scan as well for archival and preservation purposes.

File / TagsSize / TypeUploader
Manual.pdf Manual (en)96643 KiBtomse
Tags: defaultdoc docs:manual-en manual ocrPDF
Keyboard.jpg Keyboard Overlay (en)1174 KiBtomse
Tags: docs:keyboard otherscanJPG 6134 x 2528
Map.jpg Map (en)8821 KiBtomse
Tags: docs:map otherscanJPG 4500 x 3150
box_front.png Box Front51262 KiBtomse
Tags: front pristinePNG 5040 x 5824
box_back.png Box Back45043 KiBtomse
Tags: back pristinePNG 5016 x 5768
Technical Supplement.pdf Technical Supplement (en)2040 KiBtomse
Tags: docs:technical-supplement-en ocr otherdocPDF
Disk1.png Disk A8063 KiBtomse
Tags: disk pristinePNG 2152 x 2240
Disk2.png Disk B8287 KiBtomse
Tags: disk pristinePNG 2152 x 2240

Visibility:   Public   Moderators   Private (only you and admins can see the file)

File name:

You can change the file name to anything, but please keep the correct file extension. For docs, you should add languages in parantheses, for example: Manual (en, de).pdf.


If you are adding a game document and want it to appear in the "Docs" section, you need to add a tag starting with docs: and ending with the desired link name. The tag should look something like this: docs:quick-reference-en-de.

Scan-related tags: pristine, front, back, disk, manual, codewheel, otherdoc, otherscan. defaultdoc. ocr. cassettecover.

Other tags: featured gamefile (e.g. ADF), delete (adding this will delete the file!),


Original file: